Tuesday, January 30, 2007



My Great Grandfathers did not spend years in the trenches in France to put up with this shit. For those of you unfamiliar with Blair-stapo Britain….

We are the third most spied upon citizens in the world. CCTV s everywhere, yet is there a police officer to call in an emergency…? DNA database….oops hundreds of thousands of innocent people now will not get their details removed as was promised. Children are being fingerprinted in school. Child database. Eavesdropping street microphones are to be added to the ordinary CCTV cameras. Voice sensors. ID cards. Compulsory computerised Medical Records.(only those who can PROVE the system will cause them substantial mental distress will be exempt…catch 22) Forced treatment of those with untreatable mental health conditions…just in case they commit an offence (in Australia this legislation has been widely misused to section mildly depressed people.)And now x-ray cameras are to be hidden in lampposts….Oh and some bright spark invented a blood test called proBNP…..imagine the horrendous crimes committed by the state, yet to be perpetrated against the innocents with this blood protein indicative of heart disease risk. The mass linking of databases will label those with this blood test result proBNP as being racist Nationalist supporters of the British National Party ! No doubt the forcible photographing of everyone’s bedroom , living room by Council Tax Valuers will lead to digital enhancement for the purpose of seeing what books are on your shelves and what pictures on your walls.

There’s only one thing more scary than more years of Bush and that would be the thought of Blair as President (the Yanks who want that are more deluded than he is… thank the Lord for some rules- though he is under pressure from the ongoing criminal investigation into secret loans & the awarding of Peerages-Purer than Pure he said on taking office in 1997)…. ….He mouthes off about ‘green issues’ but along with continuing decimation of the rain forests, it seems certain other areas of more urban greenery seem to have disappeared….I think we may know why !!

Is it any wonder we are eating ourselves into an early grave ? In just one Primary Care Trust in the South we hear TWO Chief Executive whatevers have been paid off HALF A MILLION POUNDS (one did about 2 weeks work for it). You have to wonder if the PCT personnel dept are incompetent at hiring or are the Executives incompetent ? or…as I suspect are there certain people, in that PCT that make it impossible for others to work alongside ?

The prospect of a quick, final massive heart attack is certainly a more attractive prospect than being given a gamut of tests to determine the finer points of a cancer then being refused the appropriate drugs on cost.

I’m not religious, but God Help Us All.
For me Hillary Clinton is a glimmer of hope for the future, glistening on the horizon….roll on 2008.

America….this time when you vote, think of THE WORLD and how it sees you. You owe us big time. Fulfil your potential for GOOD NOT EVIL. You have bridges to build; for once recognise that the hand of kindness, a woman’s touch is what’s needed now.


Green Party Disgrace-Give Up Recycling For Lent In Protest

Recycling -Give Recycling Up For Lent To Protest Against Lack Of Access To Services & Draconian Government Bullying.
Why I shall never again vote Green….I’d rather vote BNP(that’ll never happen) before ever voting for the Green turncoats again.
Their true colours are coming out. A kind of yellow!
Now we know just how much the Green Party actually cares about recycling…They jumped on the bandwagon agreeing with fines just to grab headlines. Meanwhile hundreds of thousands of households in UK STILL have absolutely NO KERBSIDE COLLECTION. What a disgrace the Greens (trades description act comes to mind) are. They should be standing up and DEMANDING that not a single fine be handed out to anyone before every household in the UK has adequate kerbside recycling collections. If they truly cared about the environment they would do just that. Instead they make lame excuses, worthy of the thickest of idiots. “Oh, well, boxes can be awkward- oooh we’re to thick to think about a solution”….look you just get the post office to deliver a year’s supply of coloured clear plastic sacks(labelled according to type) to every household. Not plastic sacks on a roll……but flat so they fit through the letter box. So when a household has enough tins or papers they put them out in the right sack out. Not exactly difficult is it ? Guess they are too busy tree shagging & moss-munching to give a damn.

Be warned now what uncaring, arseholes they really are before they gain any more local or EU seats. Wondering what the demographic of these households is? Affluent people with good health? Great transport? No, how about the fact that these hundreds of thousands, possibly millions of households, are mostly those with the poorest health, the lowest incomes, often with no access to transport…..wonder if they are the least likely to vote too? We pay council tax exactly as our neighbours do. Blatant discrimination.

Most of my neighbours up and down the street get kerbside recycling, yet I don’t nor do many others in this country. Even the council’s recycling trendies don’t give a shit. I am in poor health, often housebound & bedbound much of the time, ordinary shopping is exhausting enough.…..Should I pile up my recycling, creating a health risk to myself & others in order to wait for the once a year that I can get to the ‘local’ tip (my family have to make a 100mile round trip to take me the 4miles or so.) I struggle to get to my ‘local’ supermarket because I have no transport. Paying £3 (30% of my daily income BEFORE BILLS) for a bus trip makes no financial sense when I can carry no more than a basket full of shopping. After 30 years of recycling- this crap from the Greens & the Government is the final straw.

Someone should use the Freedom of Information Act to find out exactly how many households & their demographic (disability, health, transport, income) still do not have kerbside recycling services & the local political colours. These households need these services more than the healthy, wealthy, two car households.

The results would show the blatant discrimination-it is an outrage.
